Pula+ heritage tour mobile application is a cultural guide of the City of Pula and comprises two cultural routes: Roman and Austro-Hungarian Pula, the most important cultural sightes and localities built at that time. It can be seen the influence of many rulers, nations and the turbulent history. Through an interactive map, photogallery, text and miths about origins of each locality, the user is beeing intoduced with about some 70 sights and the turbulent history of the City. It is also given the possibility for easier sightseeing of the cultural routes, as well as faster access towards wanted information. Accent is beeing given on Austro-Hungarian Pula throughout the programe 1914 – Pula is crowded (Puna je Pula) which celebrates centenary of World War I.
Mobile application comprises the most important cultural points of the City, as well. Categories Pula+ and Pula+ events recommend visits to museums, galleries, theater, multimedial center and the most representative cultural manifestations. Some of them are: Pula Film Festival, Visualia, Days of antiquity, Istrian hand made, Istra gourmet, MKFM, PUF, Theatar Ulysses, Book fair in Istria... Application is very simple to use, designed to run on smart phones and tablet computers of Andori and iOS systems and is available on four languages: Croatina, English, Italian and German.
Cultural guide Pula+ heritage tour is additional segment of cultural offer of the City of Pula, responds to the demands of technically awake cultural-tourist market and is additional segemnt in Citys branding. Application has been produced with the financial and advisory assistance of Ministry of Culture, Tourism office Pula, Archaeological Museum of Istria and Historical and Naval Museum of Istria.
Mobilna aplikacija pula+ heritage tour kulturni je vodič grada Pule koji je obuhvatio dvije kulturne rute: rimsku i austrougarsku Pulu odnosno najznačajnije kulturne znamenitosti i lokalitete nastale u to doba pod utjecajem brojnih vladara, naroda i zbivanja. Putem interaktivne karte, galerijom fotografija i opisnim tekstom, mitom vezanim uz nastanak pojedinog lokaliteta korisnika vodi kroz 70-ak lokaliteta, približava burnu gradsku prošlost, te omogućuje lakše snalaženje kulturnim rutama grada i bržu dostupnost željenim informacijama. Naglasak je dat i na austrougarsku Pulu u sklopu programa 1914. – Puna je Pula / Pola gremita kojim se obilježava stogodišnjica Prvog svjetskog rata.
Mobilnim aplikacijom obuhvaćeni su i najznačajniji kulturni punktovi grada: kategorije Pula+ i Pula+ eventi preporučuju posjet muzejima, galerijama, kazalištu, multimedijalnom centru te najreprezentativnijim kulturnim manifestacijama. Neke od najpoznatijih pulskih manifestacija jesu Pula film festival, Visualia, Dani antike, Istrian hand made, Istra gourmet, MKFM, PUF, Teatar Ulysses, Sajam knjige... Aplikacija je vrlo jednostavna za korištenje, namijenjena pametnim telefonima i tablet uređajima pogonjenim Android i iOS sustavima, te dostupna na 4 jezika: hrvatski, engleski, talijanski i njemački.
Kulturni vodič pula+heritage tour obogaćuje kulturnu ponudu grada, odgovor je na zahtjeve tehnološki sve zahtjevnijeg kulturno-turističkog tržišta i dodatan je segment u brendiranju grada Pule. Aplikacija je izrađena uz financijsku odnosno savjetodavnu potporu Ministarstva kulture, Turističke zajednice grada Pule, Arheološkog muzeja Istre te Povijesnog i pomorskog muzeja Istre – Museo storico e navale dellIstria.